Problem: Given a positive integer n, break it into the sum of at least two positive integers and maximize the product of those integers. Return the maximum product you can get.
Input: 3 Output: 2 Explanation: 3 = 2 + 1, 2 × 1 = 1.
Approach: We can use DP here. We can maintain a 1D Table where Table[i] will tell the maximum product by breaking i into at least 2 part. Obviously Table[n] will be our answer. Here is how we can fill this table:
- Table[0] = Table[1] = 0
- At any number i we need to get the maximum product of every partition of i possible. That means we need to run another loop say j = 1 to i - 1. Now at every j, here are the four products (partitions) possible:
- j * (i - j)
- maxProduct(j) * (i - j)
- j * maxProduct(i - j)
- maxProduct(j) * maxProduct(i - j)
- Right so for every j we can take the maximum of all the above 4 products and that will be maximum product of partitions if divide i at j. Obviously the maximum of maximum products of all the 'j's will maximum product for number 'i'.
- Once we understand the above logic. It's easy to understand the algorithm now:
- FOR i = 2 to n
- maxProd = 0
- FOR j = 1 to i - 1
- currMaxProd = Max ( j * (i - j), Table[j] * (i - j), j * Table[i - j], Table[j] * Table[i - j] // Max of the 4 products
- maxProd = Max(currMaxProd, max)
- Table[i] = maxProd
Implementation in C#:
public static int IntegerBreak(int n)
int[] table = new int[n + 1];
for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i)
int maxProd = 0;
for (int j = 1; j < i; ++j)
int currMaxProd = Max(table[j] * table[i - j], j * table[i - j], table[j] * (i - j), j * (i - j));
maxProd = Math.Max(maxProd, currMaxProd);
table[i] = maxProd;
return table.Last();
public static int Max(params int[] values)
return Enumerable.Max(values);
Complexity: O(n^2)
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