Stack Linked List Array and String Binary Tree
Design a Data Structure which supports push, pop and findMin operation in O(1).
Design a stack with additional operations on middle element.
Implement stack using two queues
Linked List:
Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size.
Delete a node from singly linked list when only pointer to node to be deleted is given in O(1).
Given pointers to two Single Linked List find out if they joined in Y shape and also at which node they are joined.
Merge sort
Reverse a Linked List using one pointer.
Pairwise swap nodes of a given linked list.
Rotate a Linked List.
Array and String:
Remove duplicate characters from a string in O(n).
Nearest smaller numbers on left side
Merge overlapping Interval
Maximum Product Subarray
Sort array which contains only 0, 1 or 2 in O(n).
Print all permutations of a string
Array partition problem
Equilibrium point of an array
Longest Palindromic Subsequence
Longest Common Substring
You are given an array of n+2 elements. All elements in the array are in range 1 to n and all elements occur once except two numbers which occur twice. Find the two repeating numbers.
Find the maximum sum of sub array within an array.
Search an element in sorted rotated array
Number of inversions in an array
Find second-largest number in the array
Find nth minimum element in an array
Sort an array in wave form
Median of two sorted array
Binary Tree:
Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree using one traversal
Check for children sum property in a binary tree.
Width of binary tree
Size of binary tree
Kth max in BSTree
Kth min in BSTree
Boundary traversal
Vertical order traversal
Level order traversal
Top view of binary tree
Left view of binary tree
Right view of binary tree
Bottom view of binary tree
Least Common Ancestor of two nodes in a Binary Tree.
Find depth of a binary tree.
Print all leaves
Inorder traversal of a binary tree without recursion
Preorder traversal of a binary tree without recursion
Postorder traversal of a binary tree without recursion
Populate inorder successor for all nodes.
Check if given binary tree is a BST