Problem: Given two arrays which only contains digits 0 - 9 of lengths say m and n represents two numbers. Create the maximum number of length k <= m + n from digits of the input two arrays. The relative order of the digits from the same array must be preserved. Return an array of the k digits.
Input: nums1 =[6, 0, 1, 2]
nums2 =[6, 7, 3]
k =5
Output:[7, 6, 3, 1, 2]
Approach: Let's breakdown this problem into sub problems:
1. Given an array of length n, create the maximum number of length k. Basically instead of looking at 2 arrays, just look at one array:
This is straight forward, we can do it using the stack. Here is the algorithm:
- stack = empty stack
- FOREACH i from 0 to n:
- WHILE stack is not empty AND top of stack < array[i] AND n - i + number of elements in stack > k
- Pop from stack
- IF number of elements in stack < k
- Push array[i] to stack
- Add all the elements of the stack in an array in reverse order and return this array
- [6, 0]
- [6, 7]
- result = []
- i = 0, j = 0
- FOR resultIndex = 0 To k
- IF IsGreater(array1, i, array2, j)
- result[resultIndex] = array1[i]
- i = i + 1
- result[resultIndex] = array2[j]
- j = j + 1
- return result
- WHILE array1[i] == array2[j] // Looking further till we get same digits
- i = i + 1
- j = j + 1
- return array1[i] > array2[i]
- First, we divide the k digits required into two parts; i and k-i.
- Find the maximum number of length i in one array and the maximum number of length k-i in the other array using the algorithm of subproblem 1.
- Merge the two results of step 2 in to one array using the algorithm of subproblem 2.
- Compare the current result with final result and assign the current result to final result if current result is greater than final result. We can use IsGreater method of subproblem 2 to identify which one is greater.
Implementation in C#:
public static int[] MaxNumberOfTwoArray(int[] nums1, int[] nums2, int k)
if ( k > nums1?.Length + nums2?.Length)
return null;
int[] maxNumber = new int[k];
// Dividing k into i and k -i
for (int i = Math.Max(0, k - nums2.Length); i <= k && i <= nums1.Length; ++i)
int[] currNumber = MergeMaxNumbers(MaxNumberOfOneArray(nums1, i), MaxNumberOfOneArray(nums2, k - i), k);
if (IsGreater(currNumber, 0, maxNumber, 0))
maxNumber = currNumber;
return maxNumber;
private static int[] MaxNumberOfOneArray(int[] nums, int k)
Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < nums.Length; ++i)
while (stack.Count > 0 && nums.Length - i + stack.Count > k && stack.Peek() < nums[i])
if (stack.Count < k)
int[] result = new int[k];
for (int i = k - 1; i >= 0; --i)
result[i] = stack.Pop();
return result;
private static int[] MergeMaxNumbers(int[] nums1, int[] nums2, int k)
int[] result = new int[k];
for (int nums1I = 0, nums2I = 0, resultI = 0; resultI < k; ++resultI)
result[resultI] = IsGreater(nums1, nums1I, nums2, nums2I) ? nums1[nums1I++] : nums2[nums2I++];
return result;
private static bool IsGreater(int[] nums1, int nums1I, int[] nums2, int nums2I)
while (nums1I < nums1.Length && nums2I < nums2.Length && nums1[nums1I] == nums2[nums2I])
return nums2I == nums2.Length || (nums1I < nums1.Length && nums1[nums1I] > nums2[nums2I]);
Complexity: O(k * (m + n)) where m is the size of nums1 and n is the size of nums2
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